Ensuring A Smooth Transition For Your New Team Member

If you are considering bringing an outsourced staff member into your team, it is important to plan and prepare for a smooth transition. Otherwise, you may encounter some obstacles along the way.

To ensure a successful onboarding experience for your new team member, we have compiled a short list of steps that you can follow.

Internal Onboarding:

  • Conduct internal onboarding within the first hour of their shift, focusing on accessing company platforms and essential employee resources, such as HR and payroll details.

Welcoming and Onboarding:

  • Provide an overview of the company's background, purpose, culture, and values.

  • Review role requirements using the Position Description, and allow time for questions.

  • Ensure they have all necessary technology and equipment set up.

  • Introduce internal stakeholders and explain collaboration expectations, possibly sharing an organizational chart.

  • Facilitate introductions to relevant managers and colleagues via welcome emails or video/audio calls.

  • Schedule time at the end of the first day to review their understanding of the role and expectations.

Induction and Training:

  • Consider assigning a 'buddy' or mentor for shadowing sessions, especially for complex roles.

  • Offer shadowing opportunities for customer-facing or technical roles.

  • Schedule short (15-minute) daily or alternate-day check-ins during the first week.

Human Resources Support:

  • Explain the employee evaluation process, including the transition to permanent employment status after six months, if this is within your policy.

  • Utilize the performance management process if performance concerns arise.

Establish Workplace Culture:

  • Set expectations for communication norms, task ownership, and information sharing.

  • Reinforce company purpose/values and project objectives through 1:1 communication and team emails.

  • Use company-branded materials to foster a sense of belonging.

Enhance Communication:

  • Encourage participation in virtual meetings to clarify emotional cues and build rapport.

  • Tailor communication to accommodate cultural differences, such as using open-ended questions.

  • Optimize video meetings for engagement by maintaining eye contact and providing verbal and non-verbal cues.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth onboarding process and set your outsourced team members up for success within your team.

If you need further guidance on the process, feel free to get in contact here for more information.


Building Bridges: Workplace Culture Across Borders


A Comprehensive Guide to Bringing on Outsourced Staff